Facts About SPF You Should Know

Facts About SPF You Should Know

With so much importance placed on skin protection, understanding SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is essential. Understanding SPF plays an important role in safeguarding our skin from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. This blog will provide you with valuable information about SPF, its significance and how to choose the most appropriate level of protection. So, let's dive in and uncover key facts about SPF!

1. What Is SPF?

SPF is a measure of how well a particular sunscreen protects the skin from UVB rays, which are responsible for sunburn. It indicates the amount of time you can stay in the sun without getting burned compared to being unprotected. For example, if you're wearing SPF 30, it means you can typically stay in the sun 30 times longer without getting sunburned compared to not wearing any sunscreen.


It's important to note the difference between UVB and UVA rays. UVB rays primarily causes sunburn, while UVA rays are associated with premature aging and skin cancer. When choosing a sunscreen, make sure it offers broad-spectrum protection, which shields you from both UVB and UVA rays.

Fun fact: Mineral-based sunscreens using zinc oxide systematically provide broad-spectrum protection, while chemical alternatives require the combination of up to 7 different UV-absorbers and photo stabilisers to reach UVA+UVB protection.

3. SPF And Sunburn Protection

Contrary to popular belief, a higher SPF doesn't provide exponentially better protection. While SPF 30 filters out around 97% of UVB rays, SPF 50 filters out about 98%. The difference is minimal, and no sunscreen can block 100% of UVB rays. It's more important to focus on proper application and reapplication of sunscreen rather than relying solely on a higher SPF number.

4. Reapplication Is Key

Regardless of the SPF, sunscreen needs to be reapplied regularly to maintain its effectiveness. Experts recommend reapplying sunscreen every two hours or more frequently if you've been swimming or sweating excessively. This practice ensures consistent protection throughout the day.

5. Mineral SPF Vs Chemical SPF

Mineral SPF, also known as ‘physical sunscreen’, contains active ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. When applied, these minerals create a physical barrier on the skin's surface, reflecting and scattering UV rays away from the skin. On the other hand, Chemical SPF, contains chemicals such as avobenzone or oxybenzone. These chemicals work by absorbing UV rays and converting them into less harmful heat. One key difference between the two is their mode of action. Mineral SPF provides immediate protection upon application, as it doesn't need time to absorb into the skin. Chemical SPF, however, requires around 20 minutes to fully absorb before becoming effective. Additionally, mineral SPF is generally considered to be less likely to cause skin irritation, making it suitable for sensitive skin types.

6. SPF And Skin Types

Different skin types have varying levels of sensitivity to the sun. Fair-skinned individuals are generally more susceptible to sunburns and may require a higher SPF for adequate protection. However, regardless of your skin type, sunscreen is essential for everyone. Don't overlook the importance of protecting your skin, regardless of its natural pigmentation. If you have sensitive skin, mineral-based sunscreens are the friendlier choice.

7. Other Sun Protection Measures

While sunscreen is an essential tool for protecting your skin, it shouldn't be the sole method. Employ additional sun protection measures such as seeking shade during peak sunlight hours, wearing protective clothing and avoiding tanning beds altogether.

8. Water-Resistant Sunscreens

If you'll be spending time in the water or sweating, it's advisable to opt for water-resistant sunscreens. These sunscreens adhere better to the skin and provide prolonged protection even in wet conditions. However, remember to reapply as instructed to maintain efficacy.

9. Sunscreen For Children

Children have delicate skin that requires extra care and protection. Dermatologist also advise that chemical based sunscreens only be used on children from the age of two, due to high level of chemical absorption into the skin and bloodstream. Mineral-based sunscreens are deemed safer for children as UV-blockers remain on top of the skin and don’t absorb into bloodstream. It's recommended to use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 on children aged six months and above. Additionally, ensure they are adequately covered with protective clothing and kept in shaded areas to minimise sun exposure.

10. Sunscreen Expiration

Like any other product, sunscreens have an expiration date. It's crucial to check the expiry date before using sunscreen to ensure it offers the intended level of protection. Expired sunscreen may not be as effective, compromising your skin's safety. That is particularly the case for chemical-based sunscreens a chemical absorbers become less effective over time, while the physical shield provided by mineral-based sunscreens maintains efficacy.

11. Understanding PA Ratings

Apart from SPF, some sunscreens also feature PA ratings, which indicate the level of protection against UVA rays. The more plus signs (+) a sunscreen has, the higher its UVA protection. For example, PA+ provides some UVA protection, while PA++++ offers the highest level of UVA protection. Fun fact, mineral-based zinc oxide sunscreens systematically provide the highest level of UVA protection with a PA ++++ rating.

12. SPF In Cosmetics

Sunscreen isn't limited to dedicated sunscreen lotions. Many cosmetic products, such as moisturisers, foundations and lip balms, now include SPF. While these products provide some sun protection, it's still advisable to use a dedicated sunscreen for extended outdoor activities. Look out for a AUST L number on the packaging to ensure the product is registered by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration; meaning it has been tested for sun protection.

13. The Role Of Vitamin D

Some individuals worry that using sunscreen may hinder vitamin D production. However, it's important to note that adequate vitamin D levels can be maintained through a balanced diet and incidental sun exposure, such as short periods spent outdoors. The risks associated with excessive UV exposure far outweigh the potential benefits of increased vitamin D production.

14. Consulting A Dermatologist

If you have specific skin concerns or are unsure about which sunscreen or SPF is best for you, consulting a dermatologist is highly recommended. They can provide personalised recommendations based on your skin type, lifestyle and any existing skin conditions.

15. Embracing Sun Safety

Sun protection is a lifelong commitment. By incorporating sun-safe habits into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce the risk of sunburn, premature aging and skin cancer. Remember, sun damage accumulates over time, so it's never too late to start protecting your skin and enjoying the outdoors responsibly.

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